Gerakas-Analipsi summit

On the Alonnissos hills

Gerakas-Analipsi summit

Text and photos by T. Adamakopoulos

Flora of Alonnisos

Asphodelus ramosus

Alonnisos: Asphodelus ramosus
Among the commonest plant species of Alonnisos Island, Asphodelus ramosus, the multi-branched (ramosus) asphodel, is a plant quite familiar to many people, being very common and with quite impressive look, bearing large white flowers on its tall upright shoot. It can be distinguished from its close A. fistulosus by the broad basal leaves (narrow and hollow in A. fistulosus).

It is a typical species of Mediterranean phrygana and dry meadows, while the extensive asphodel meadows are a frequent sighting in the Greek countryside: these are usually areas under severe overgrazing, or recently burnt and grazed afterwards. Animals are careful not to consume the asphodels, which have a strong defenses against them, both with toxic substances and crystallic needles contained in its plant parts, and so the latter often find suitable ground for expansion.

topoguide Greece


topoguide Greece
A detailed description of the Gerakas - Analipsi summit trail, along with interactive maps, photos and POIs, is included in the digital field guide Alonnisos topoguide.

The digital field guide Alonnisos topoguide is available for Android devices as an in-app purchase within the application topoguide Greece. Alonnisos topoguide is a member of the Greek Islands group.

The digital field guide Alonnisos topoguide is also available for iOS (iPhone and iPad) devices as an in-app purchase within the application Topoguide Greece. There also, Alonnisos topoguide is a member of the Greek Islands group.