Flora of Aegina

Flora of Aegina
Identify plants species

Αίγινα topoguide
Anacamptis pyramidalis

Based on the major floristic and phytosociological study focusing on the Saronic islands, it is evident that the diversity of the flora of Aegina is relatively high, reflecting the variety of the geology, and reaches 794 species and subspecies. Most of the species are members of the flora of the wider region (Attica, Corinth, Argolis, other Saronic islands).

Αίγινα topoguide
Ophrys oestrifera

Seven of these 794 species are endemic to Greece (including Crocus cartwrightianus).

Αίγινα topoguide
Narcissus tazetta

One of the most interesting ecosystems of the island is the rocky coast, where one can observe several typical species, Sedum litoreum, Crithmum maritimum, Malcolmia flexuosa subsp. naxensis, Silene sedoides, Cichorium spinosum and Lotus cytisoides.

Αίγινα topoguide
Serapias bergonii

In an extensive collection of photos of the flora of Aegina approximately 400 species with photos (including information on the flowering period, flower size, plant height and its habitat, in 4 languages) are presented.

Photos and Descriptions of flora species of of Aegina are included in the application Aegina topoguide. The application is available for Android devices as well as for iOS devices (iPhone and iPad) by AnaDigit.
The application guides the user to locate the POI with accuracy.

Text and photos: T. Adamakopoulos