Flora of Mt Dirfys

Flora of Mt Dirfys

Identify plants species

Flora of Mt Dirfys
Flora of Mt Dirfys
Fritillaria euboeica

The wider area of Mt Dirfys and Xerovouni along with their foothills hide many floristic treasures: five steno-endemics of Mt Dirfys are limited to the highest summit area (Delfi) and they are: Allium dirphianum, Asperula suffruticosa, Cruciata taurica subsp. euboea, Minuartia dirphya and Silene dirphya.

Flora of Mt Dirfys
Flora of Mt Dirfys
Verbascum delphicum

Furthermore, three are restricted to the lower elevations and the coasts to the Aegean: Campanula cymaea, Ammi topalii and the elusive Allium calamarophilon, which has not been found since its initial description in 1981.

Flora of Mt Dirfys
Flora of Mt Dirfys
Campanula constantini

Ten more species and subspecies endemic to Evia can be found at the middle and higher elevational zones of Mt Dirfys.

Flora of Mt Dirfys
Flora of Mt Dirfys
Centaurea attica

Photos and descriptions of of rare and common plant species of Mt Dirfys area are included in the application Dirfys topoguide. The application is available for Android devices as well as for iOS devices (iPhone and iPad) by AnaDigit.
The application guides the user to locate the location of the plant.