Springs and fountains of Mt Dirfys

Springs and fountains of Mt Dirfys

Dirfys topoguide
Dirfys topoguide: The Kratia spring

The key element for the interpretation of the ground water capacity in the area is the contact of limestone masses of Mt. Dirfys and Mt. Xerovouni over the schists of the underlying layers. Α series of small or larger springs, like the 5-6 springs westwards to Liri Col, is formed along this contact.

Dirfys topoguide
Dirfys topoguide: The large spring Krya Vrysi, in Kambia

Further south, important sources such as the Konisma spring and the Krya Vrysi at Kambia, drain the water infiltrated into the highily karstified limestones of the upper zone of Mt. Xerovouni.

Photos and descriptions of springs and fountains of Mt Dirfys are included in the application Dirfys topoguide. The application is available for Android devices as well as for iOS devices (iPhone and iPad) by AnaDigit.
The application guides the user to locate the POI with accuracy.