Orchids of Naxos
Orchids of Naxos

The phrygana and shrublands of Naxos are rich in orchids. In the more mountainous and humid areas, we will find the very early Neotinea lactea and the Anacamptis laxiflora, Neotinea maculata and Orchis sancta - this last one can be quite abundant locally.

In the ravines and other shady and wooded places one could find the large Cephalanthera longifolia, the pale purple Dactylorhiza romana, the weird Limodorum abortivum, the Orchis anatolica, the impressive Orchis anthropophora, Orchis provincialis and the bizarre Serapias lingua and Serapias orientalis.

In the phrygana we will meet the wide-spread but beautiful Ophrys scolopax, Ophrys bombyliflora, Ophrys omegaifera and Ophrys reinholdii. A careful observer may identify rare and very local Ophrys thesei, Ophrys gortynia, Ophrys ceto, Ophrys ariadnae, Ophrys cretica and Ophrys icariensis.

Text and photos by T. Adamakopoulos

topoguide Greece
A guide to Naxos Island

Naxos topoguide is available for Android devices as one of the dozens of available region of Greece via the topoguide Greece application. Naxos island is a member of the Greek Islands group. Get the Naxos guide as an in-app purchase through the app.
Naxos topoguide is also available for iOS (iPhone & iPad) devices via the application Topoguide Greece. Get the Naxos guide as an in-app purchase through the app, found in the Greek Islands group.
Naxos topoguide offers active navigation along the trails, as well as a comprehensive guide to the geography, the nature and the culture of the area.